Theater of Self Program

Flow Hacking, Metacognitive Training & Renewed Focus

Personal Training for a Lifetime

Imagine a way to train for increased joy, play, creativity, and mindful serenity all at once. A method that turns every moment of your day into a continuous practice indistinguishable from your own life.

The first step is improving your metacognition.

As Shakespeare said, “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” The Theater of Self program meets these criteria without requiring you to step on a stage.

Be the best player you can be. Train to play the Infinite Game.

  • Attention

    Theater of Self enhances our muscles of attention and intention. Metacognition is literally thinking about thinking. Clients learn to pay multiple kinds of attention, bridging beyond reactivity into an omnidirectional awareness that includes the inner world as well as the outer.

    As we become attuned to subtle signals from our bodies, we access more options and possibilities and in turn become more available to the multiplicity of options and outcomes at our disposal.

  • Awareness

    Personal and professional development begin with clear insights into mindsets, behaviors, and stories.

    Grounded in Jungian depth psychology and Presence-Based Coaching®, our approach employs deft leadership, artful inquiry, and powerful creative approaches to identify your best path forward.

    Our training offers the quickest, smartest, and most reliable pathway to transformative change in any situation or problem space.

  • Intention

    To go beyond what you’ve accomplished, you must do something you've never done before.

    Knowing where to start can be tricky. By engaging with the right questions, we gain deep insights and clarify the questions holding you back from limitless achievement.

    The result is a powerful sense of freedom of movement and a re-acquaintance with the inspirations and energy of our youth. We connect with essential motivation.

  • Ecologies of Practice

    We draw from diverse theories of cutting-edge cognitive science, neuropsychology, and somatic integration.

    Inspired by the work of pioneers like John Vervaeke, Iain McGilchrist, and Nicholas Janni, TRXTR synthesizes these approaches into a pedagogy that lifts leaders out of habit and into exciting and innovative inspiration.